Recap of 2012

Oh my. This year was awesome. Too damn danglicious awesome I would say. So many awesome things happened this year and yes, I'm forever grateful for it :)

1. I met our Prime Minister of Malaysia! Haha, sorry this had to be number 1. Yes, not only I met him, I also had the chance to talk and present in front of him! It was at the launching of the i-Think programme, if you're wondering. The whole trip to KL was super amazing, imagine going somewhere with your bestie and crazy friends! We had so so so much fun; we watched Glee till late nights, shopped or should i say window shopped haha, met awesome people, ate like hungry babarians haha( we were really tired), and yeah, you get the picture, it was tonnes of fun! :)

2. I was selected to join the Johor International Student Leadership Conference (2012). Can i just say how fun it was? Dang dang fun! That 4 days 3 nights was soooooo fun and educational, i might add :) I learned a lot of things, presented in front of tonnes of people(international and local delegates!), met awesome and friendly people, ate dinner on a cruise(ftw!). I wrote about the trip on my school magazine, so chances are that i might post it here and you can read it here as well :)

3. DEBATE! We won the district level and fyi, we were against some of the greatest schools in Muar but we WON!! Haha, i swear to you when they announced the winning team at the grand finale, i cried -.- Yes i did. I cried. Lol. Our debate team was awesome, we came to school every single day even on Sundays to practice. I guess this is where the phrase No pain, no gain is true! But.....
Reality's harsh,
We lost at the States...

4. My teacher picked me and my bestie for the AnugerahTokoh Nilam 2013. And guess what, i came in as the champion and she came in as 1st runner up! Look how Convent girls roll! :) Should i add when the mention when they announced it, i cried -.- Crybaby me. Haha!

5. I won a Samsung Galaxy Tab!!!!! Courtesy of the i-Think HOTS Magazine contest :) And I may add that I used my tablet so so so much this holidays and t'was so useful. But yeah, definitely next year I would have to keep it away so that I can actually study XD

6. I had an amazing holiday this December. Went to Yogyakarta with my family for a whole 4 days 3 nights tour and it was superb! I had sooo much fun!! Thank you to my amazing parents for making it happen, love you all loads :)

So, those are the little things that made my 2012 awesome. Those little things that counts, at the end of the day. If you were expecting me to say 'I fell in love' or 'I met the right one for me', HAHA jokes on me. Of course that didn't happen( although most of the 16 year olds would have written this). I didn't meet a charming young prince who would sweep me out of my feet before I can even say 'Fairytale'. Nope, that did not happen. Not that I was ever ever expecting, I might add. *Team Forever Alone and Proud! ;) Haha!

And since this is already a super long post, I might just add here my 2013 resolutions.

1. Study harder.
2. Eat healthier.
3. Spend lesser time on Facebook and other social networks
4. Stop, yes i mean STOP getting distracted by le baby tablet/phone/telly/laptop
5. Be a nice person in general
6. Reach my dreams
7. Make myself proud
8. Expect less but work harder
9. Wake up earlier and take no naps
10. Be happy.

10 lovely resolutions that I hope I can keep up with! Alright that's it for 2012. Hopefully 2013 would be as awesome as 2012 and maybe even awesome-er. God bless. Thank you for everything that happened this year. I am forever grateful for all of it.

Much love from me,
xx Div

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