
Alohaaa!! Alright, so I'm up early today, don't ask me why cos I myself don't know why. I just did and I wanted to do something productive today apart from homework, so here I am. I just watched Oh My English on Tviq this morning and guess what, it was awesome. It's so funny and cute and yeah, you could learn a lot from the show. And the English teacher in the show, is, damn attractive. Pictures? 

Imagine having him as your English teacher. Oh my what a handsome face. God bless his handsome face. So, MR HENRY MIDDLETON, do the honor of becoming my English teacher? I swear I'd be so active in class :) Haha, not that I'm not grateful for what I have now though. He is so bloody cute, gah I just can't take it. 

Here's the rest of the cast. I thought Elfira Loy was in it, but it was her sister :O Gosh, they look so alike. So yeah there you have it, the perfect cast :') Henry Middleton :)

Alright! Thats about it! Gotta scoot, bye :)

Much Love from Me,
xx Div

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