Baby you light up my world like nobody else

Screaming 'BACK TO SCHOOL!' Yeah baby, it's the 28th of December. You could barely count the days back to school. School shopping done. Shoes check. Uniform check. Stationery check. Yeah, basically everything done. Gosh, it's a whole new year - 2012. 2011 was a great dang year for me. I mean seriously. It was like the best year ever. Everything was so laid back and it was super fun and it passed so quickly. I don't even believe that it's really almost over :(

So, how was the holidays for me? One word - AMAZING. And speaking of amazing, I did something really bizarre and quite hard to believe that I actually did it. Chill out, it's not something bad or illegal. HAHA. What I did was actually - I wore my pink PJ's to a grocery market! Ohmy, everyone was looking at me :O And to make matters worst, it was noon. People must be like 'WTH is she doing wearing PJ's?' OMAIGOD. Weirdest thing ever! :)

Moving on, I just finished reading a book the other day. I was at the bookstore, buying school necessities and with no intention of buying a book. School is reopening and I promised myself that the next book I'm touching is my Chemistry textbook :P Then I saw this Adriana Trigani's book which was on sale, and I knew I had to buy it. Shopaholic genes from Mum. LOL The book is Queen Of The Big Time. How was it?

Here's the book. It was really good actually. It's not my usual chick flick novel or anything. It was different, good different. The setting was in the past, basically like classic. But it's not written like Shakespeare. Meaning there's no brethren, thou or any classic words. It's simple but in a way you're taken back in time where people worked on farms and had to give up on their dreams to work and earn money.

The main character was Nella Castelluca. She was ambitious and studied hard to be a teacher. But things go bad at her Dad's farm and she has to quit her studies and work at a blouse mill when she was only 14. Imagine that? And then comes the love part. Haha, what's a good book without a dash of that? LOL. She meets Renato Lanzara(quite a name hah) who is *sigh* 7 years older than her. People tolerate with yeah 3 or 4 years, but 7? Way to much? Neways she didn't marry him and settled for Franco. And when Franco died, she met Renato, again. There's a part in the novel which actually made me hold back my tears. When she met Renato, she asked him why did he leave her and before he could actually answer, she took it back and said she didn't want to hear his answer. Cos Franco now owned her and she didn't want to bother with the past. One word. Wow. 

I remember saying something about posting pictures right? Good news, forget about it. Too lazy. Dont know how to transfer pics from my new phone. And yes, I bought a new phone. Guess what make is it. And a pair of BOOTS which was gosh, so $$$$. But I had to had it! What's a girl without some designers? LOL. Gtg lads. Bye! :*

Much love from me, xx Div

Oh yeah, btw I'm taking Science Stream+Literature for next year. 10 subjects for SPM :) 

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