I've always got the memories in finding out what I wanna be :)


Exactly 6 more days. *shiver* :) Listening to Wherever I Go by Miley Cyrus now. Gosh, I'm so bored these days. Good news- I'm going to Seventeen HQ! Yeah baby, Seventeen HQ!! To collect prizes actually, not to go modelling, lol Super duper excited. I even have my outfit planned and laid. Even the shoes. I bought new gladiators just to go there. Brat much? Haha, muah muah to my parents :* I think I mentioned earlier, but who cares lemme say it again. I won iCarly shades and MAX merchandise which is a backpack :) I am sad though that I didn't win BTR merchandise and ALBUM! But lol, at least I won something :) So Yay to Seventeen Mag :) 

Neways, I gotta go now! So Au Revoir peeps! :) 

Much love from me, xx Div

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