The date is set!

Yeah baby, the DATE for me to watch Breaking Dawn is set! OMAIGOD! It's on the 2nd of December! And guess what, I just Googled and yes, it still airs and yayyy! :) 2 more days to go! But on the bright side, the wait wont be long coz I'm going on vacation tomorrow, so I'll be having so much fun trying to keep BD out of my mind!

But seriously, finally I get to watch a Twilight Saga movie in the cinemas! :) I even forced my bro to book tix from his phone and HE DID! So yay for me! :) It's 8 days after it first premiered here. but who cares? at least I get to watch it! YAYYYYYYYY! :)

Okay okay, thats about it for this morning! P/s I woke up so early coz I was super excited, Nuff said.
Breaking Dawn, here I come!

Much love from me, xx Div

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